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Nutrition: Diet Myths Busted

Nutrition: Diet Myths Busted

In your journey to improve your body and your overall health, having the right information to guide you is vital. Unfortunately, misinformation about nutrition, whether it’s due to money-making fad diet schemes, poor research, or simply rumors that sounded believable, seems to have spread like wildfire. Separating myth from fact will help guide you down the path of success.

Myth: Carbohydrates Are Bad For You

Many people have likely felt incredibly sluggish, or even felt malnourished, due to believing this myth. The simple fact is that carbohydrates are a crucial nutrient for having usable energy. The trick is knowing how to eat carbs in a healthy way. Complex carbs, such as whole grains, oats, or brown rice, deliver steady, long-lasting energy. Simple carbs, such as berries, white rice, or potatoes, give you quick-releasing energy that doesn’t last as long. Now, the truth in the myth that carbs are bad for you is that simple carbs will store in your body as fat, that is, if you don’t burn off the energy with a physical activity. For this reason, it’s best to include more complex carbs in your diet than simple carbs.

Myth: You Should Skip Meals to Lower Your Calorie Intake

The idea here is to cut down on calories by skipping a meal altogether. While consuming less calories does lead to weight loss, skipping a meal can work against you. When your body is very hungry you are more likely to eat faster, choose unhealthy options, and overeat. Instead, simply lower the portion sizes of your meals to reduce your caloric intake. Another great option is to replace a meal with a nutrition supplement mix using a shaker cup or protein shake.

Myth: Sticking to Low-Fat Foods Helps You Lose Weight

Yes, fat will make you fat, but so will other foods. Many low-fat or fat-free alternatives to normally fattening foods, such as low-fat yogurt, often rely on other ingredients to make up for the taste. The main go-to for this is sugar which, you guessed it, will turn into fat. Always pay attention to the nutrition facts and total calorie amount. Try to stick to foods with healthy fats like Omega-3’s, which are beneficial for brain and heart functioning. Foods like fish, nuts, and avocados are high in Omega-3’s.

Myth: There’s No Room For “Cheating” In Your Diet

By making some foods “forbidden” you are often just subconsciously increasing their appeal. This can often lead to people caving in to their cravings, losing motivation, and giving up on their diet entirely. Allow yourself a cheat day throughout the week, or perhaps a small treat each day, to reward yourself for working hard and keeping up your progress.